1. Open the Piano Roll for the first note track. (In the Track List, right-click on the first note track and choose "Show this track's Piano Roll window".) 2. Scroll to the end. (In the main toolbar, click the "fast forward" button to go to the end, then click the left arrow on the scroll bar a few times to back up a little bit.) 3. In the Piano Roll, change the graph pane to show CC#11 Expression. (In the bottom right pane, uncheck the checkbox for Velocity, then check the checkbox for "CC#11-Expression".) Note: In the right-side lists with the checkboxes, the checkboxes control what is visible, and the highlighted item controls where and what will be drawn with the drawing tools. To avoid confusion, I recommend making sure each list has only one checkbox selected at a time, and make sure the highlighted item is the same as the checked item. 4. Optional, suggested: In the Piano Roll toolbar, the drop down box on the right is for "Graph Snap". It lets you tweak the density of the controllers you will draw into the graph area. Your MIDI file uses a resolution of 240 ticks per quarter note. So for example, you can choose a value of 30 here to draw 8 events per quarter note. 5. In the Piano Roll toolbar, click the Line tool. 6. In the graph section, position the pointer over the maximum 127 line at the spot you want the fadeout to start. Now click and drag a line down to the 0 line at the spot you want the fadeout to end. To make the same fadeout in the other tracks, you can either do the same steps above on each of the other tracks, or you can use the steps below to copy the first fadeout and repeatedly duplicate it to each of the other tracks. 7. In the Piano Roll toolbar, click the Select tool. 8. In the graph area, drag a selection box around the expression lines you just created. 9. Copy. (Press Ctrl+C or choose Edit, Copy.) Note: Sekaiju will use the play position as the beginning position for anything you paste. 10. In the Piano Roll toolbar, click the Preview (speaker) tool. This will let you easily move the play position. 11. Click at the beginning spot of the fadeout to move the play position to that spot. 12. Paste. (Press Ctrl+V or choose Edit, Paste.) Note: The newly pasted events are in the same track and position as the original copied events, but only the newly pasted events are selected right now. 13. Go to the Edit menu and choose "Modify Event's Track". 14. Put in a new track number, click "Absolute specify", and check "Fit each event's channel to track's output channel." Repeat steps 12 to 14 for each of the other tracks.